This Mindset Will Guarantee Breakthrough in Therapy

“Action is the antidote to despair.”

— Joan Baez

People seek counseling / therapy services for various struggles: relationship issues, death of loved one(s), addiction, work stress, traumas, mood disturbances, life transition…..The list can go on and on and on.

All of these can eventually boil down to one simple statement: “I want a better life.”

Sounds extremely simple and legit, right? Anyway, who didn’t want it?

Unfortunately, many people may have underestimated the price to get there.

Time, energy, money, inner peace, level of comfort……You name it!

As everyone can see, it is a simple yet complicated task to tackle. I have no intention to downplay its complexity with a short blog post here. If anyone is unwilling or not ready to face what has been holding them back (fear, excessive guilt, habit, etc.,) and act on their knowledge, breakthrough to life is just a mirage above the desert.

For example……

—— If you really want to prepare yourself well for an upcoming difficult school exam tomorrow, can you forgo the fun party tonight? (Assuming that you cannot do both at the same time)

—— If you want to regain your health, are you willing to act on your doctor’s advice by turning your back on your favorite but unhealthy drinks / foods?

—— If you want to work on your relationships, will you review your own inventory and reflect on your contribution in current predicament?

——If you want to heal from the past, is it ok for you to process vulnerable feelings as you deal with unresolved business?

On top of that, it is easier said than done because obstacles to changes await….

  • You may feel resentful ……”why I shall be the one to clear my side of street? He /She did that…….Not me!”

  • You may feel grief……losing something even like a unhealthy partner can feel lonely……

  • You may feel fear……”what if I can’t get anybody else in the future?……”

  • You may feel stuck……”I don’t know what healthy relationships look like.”……

  • You may feel at a loss…… “Did I do it right?

If you are still reading this article, you may find that some situations may have applied to you or someone you cared about. The good news is, healthy relationship mindsets, skills and behaviors can be learned; I have helped many clients of mine gain mastery over the artistry of attracting, building and maintaining healthy relationships; The bad news is that even the most experienced, knowledgeable and talented therapist cannot take care of the “doing” in your life outside the consultation room.

Simply put, the ultimate element that can get you success & breakthrough in therapy is : Your Willingness to Take Action. Lacking it will definitely become a deal breaker in your journey sooner or later.

So, are you ready today?


Top 5 Qualities Your Ideal Therapist Should Have (Part 1 of 2)


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